The Swiss Robotics Association is led by a team of distinguished professionals dedicated to advancing robotics, all working together to drive innovation, collaboration, and excellence in the field.
Dr. Nicola Tomatis
CEO at BlueBotics
Professor Dr. Roland Siegwart
Vice President
Professor of Autonomous Systems at ETH Zürich
Professor Dr. Aude Billard
Vice President
Professor, LASA laboratory, EPFL & President – IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
Jean-Marc Collet
Board Member
Managing Director, Switzerland – Stäubli
Professor Dr. Agathe Koller
Board Member
Head of Institute, ILT, Ostschweizer- fachhohschule
Ariane Nasrin
Board Member
Head of Competence Center for Robotics, SBB
Professor Dr. Georg Rauter
Board Member
Head of Bio-Inspired RObots for MEDicine-Lab (BIROMED-Lab) at University of Basel
Dr. Anca Rusu
Managing Director
Programme manager, EPFL and Innovation Booster Robotics